Thursday, August 31, 2017

7 Best Common Real Estate Investment Strategies For Real Estate Investors

Real estate is a big industry and investing in a US commercial property can be an excellent way to mint money. You have a lot of question in your mind that what investing is best for you? Where to start?  Here we have many real estate investment strategies that you can select depending on your budget, time span and sustainable goals.

1. Buy and hold

To 'buy and hold' means you're purchasing and owning the property for a long span of time to sell it in the future. And you don't even have to repair it. It doesn't matter whether you're buying a property for capital boost or rental income. Your property doubles after every 7 to 10 years. You could get a maximum capital growth out of it, and even the rental income increases with the passing years.

2. Renovation

The renovation is one of the most shared and profitable real estate investment strategies used by the real estate investors. It means you're are buying a US commercial property, renovate it quickly as possible to make it look elegant so that the value of rental income or capital boost. And after that, you sell it to earn a hefty profit out of it.

It would be quite simple as you have to do a  makeover on the walls, fix that non-working stuff, and making decorations, etc. But here you have to work a little bit hard.

3. Dual occupancy

Dual occupancy means that you are making two rental incomes from one land. It can be achieved by adding a flat onto the back side of your property or just splitting your property in such a way that some you got is less than the expenditure you are spending which means that you have to pay cash daily in every month to keep it going. In this strategy, you have to lose money for some time, but the value of property boost with time and then sell it to get more money in return. It will turn into a positive cash flow property in the end.

4. Subdivision

Subdivision means that you take an area of US commercial property or land and divide it into two or more separate smaller blocks. And then you sell one of the blocks by developing it, and the other blocks stand still. Although it a costly process so you need to search out the best cost suitable for you.

5. Development

Instead of subdividing the property, you take a property and develop it means that you built villas or townhouses there and then layer these up. You are making multiple living areas on just one block of land. Real estate investors are mostly picking up large scale developments. It can be extremely profitable to follow this one of the fantastic real estate investment strategies, but you need a hefty amount of money to make it successful.

6. Postive cash flow properties

In positive cash flow properties, you're purchasing and holding the property for a positive cash flow and then spin it off. It generates more in rental income, and you don't have to work for that. Your passive income increase with the passing time and you pay the expenditure and save some income so that you could spend wherever you like.

7. Negative Gearing

Negative gearing means that the rental income you got is less than the expenditure you are spending which means that you have to pay cash daily in every month to keep it going. In this strategy, you have to lose money for some time, but the value of property boost with time and then sell it to get more money in return. It will turn into a positive cash flow property in the end.

Reed Goosens is a founder of RSN Property Group who is from U.S. He’s also a serial real estate businessman and a successful well-qualified project manager cum engineer in real estate since 2007. Reed has the best and the most typical real estate investment strategies to offer to its clients.

RSN Property group is a top notch real estate investment agency located in Southern California and New York. We convert your wasted properties into outstanding residential communities. Follow these real estate investment strategies with our first asset management approach so that we can contribute and add more value to your surrounding community.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Top 4 Reasons Why You Need Multifamily Investing In US Real Estate

The best way of investing in the US real estate market is to collect your lease properties. There are many ways by which you can do real estate investing. The frightening thing is to invest in multifamily, i.e., the properties or apartments have multiple rental units to gain profit. A huge risk comes with a multitude of groups in multifamily investing. But it is not as you thought because the multifamily properties are less risky than the single family properties. In fact, the payment mostly surpasses the risk. 

Check out the reasons why you should not ignore multifamily investing.

1. More Profit and Risk-Free Investment

The expenses of getting the flats may be the higher than the value to buy a single-family apartment for real estate investment. The investor has to pay $30k for one rental unit in  multifamily investing. However, the cost of multifamily properties could go into millions. 

Let me clear you that the multifamily property is more likely to be permitted by a bank in case of the loan than the average house. It is due to the sound generation of money every month. The possibility of legal proceedings of a house is not as high as a single family apartment. All this can result in the low risk and more profit in the case of lending by the tenant.

2. More Landlords

There is no profit when the apartment is vacant in the case single family units, but with the multi family parties, this real estate investing eliminates the overall money loss for the investors.

3. Multiple Source Of Income

The more earnings a property gets, the higher is its value. And with the more units in the multi-family properties, the real estate investors have been earning more from multiple sources. Therefore, a multifamily investing have high value than the single family ones.

4. Extensibility

The multifamily investing in US real estate incorporates expandability. Instead of buying single properties and gradually growing your business using individual transaction.  This type of real estate investing gives you the opportunity to possess multitude flats within one building. It's the ideal for the investors to take their business the one level up by generating the monthly profit. The initial investors should understand a multifamily properties concept.

So, what are you waiting for, start making the multifamily investment in US real estate now? And once you have chosen this real estate investing option, you will encounter that it was much easier than you thought.